Is your Mother Relationship hard?
If you have a challenging relationship with your mother, it's not only your interpersonal dynamics that are complicated; it's also the feelings you have around this relationship.
You've probably asked yourself one of these questions:
Why doesn't my mom like me?
Why is she so critical?
Why do we always argue?
Especially if you are energetically sensitive - this dynamic with your Mom is confusing - shouldn't your Mom be your biggest fan?
It brings feelings of sadness, abandonment, and of being not enough.
At the root of your relationship rests the question, 'what did you want to learn this lifetime - what growth are you here to experience?'
The most simple explanation for 'why we are here,' is this: to learn, heal, and grow (or evolve) and the way we do that is through our relationships. And unfortunately, as humans, we rarely evolve without adversity and conflict.
It is the adversity and conflict that pushes us to create change in our lives.
The kicker is, that most of humanity is trying to do this work in an unaware state - meaning they don't know what they are working on and they don't have any way to work on it.
So the healing and growth they seek are haphazard at best and come with a lot of confusion and emotional pain.
What Are You Working On?
This brings me back to your challenging relationship with your mother.
The most challenging relationships we have, offer the greatest opportunity to do our deeper work.
And that deeper work revolves around learning the three Core Life Evolution Lessons:
To validate yourself
To own your truth
To stand in your power
Unraveling your Mother Relationship dynamics starts here.
If you haven't taken my What's Your Core Life Lesson quiz yet - click the link to take it. (Once you take it, you can choose to receive information to get an in-depth explanation of your Core Life Lesson.
Let Me Know!
Once you have your lesson, drop a comment below and let me know what Core Life Lesson you are currently working on. If it's been a while since you took the quiz, I'd suggest taking it again. Core Life Lessons can shift as we grow.
Next post I'll talk a bit about how these Core Life Lessons might show up in your Mother Relationship