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Libra and Your Soul Evolution

Writer's picture: christineagrochristineagro

If Libra holds your primary opportunity for your deeper healing & growth, here is a starting overview of what you can work on to support your Soul Evolution

If you took my Soul Evolution™ Assessment, you know that more than one Zodiac sign holds the key to your Soul Evolution™. If you haven't taken the quiz yet - click here

Read on to learn about Soul Evolution™ and to gain deeper insight into what you are working on with Libra. When you are finished, if you’d like to read all of the Zodiac overviews, you’ll find that option at the end.

About Soul Evolution™

My purpose in life is to help humanity understand what lessons we are working on, how they show up in our lives, what challenges and opportunities these lessons hold for our growth and evolution, and to provide the tools and guidance to help people actually do the work they came here to do.

There are many ways that we can explore our life lessons and do the healing work that will lead us to embody our full potential as Spirit with a body.

One of the things I love to do is create containers in which we can do our deeper work. The Moon Cycles, Numerology, Goddess Mythology, The Seasons, Gateways, Portals, and Astrology. Each of these becomes a container or a PRISM through which we can explore what we working on and how we use these containers to deepen our healing and accelerate our growth.

Enter Astrology

I have been fascinated by astrology for many years, but not from a true astrological perspective. As mentioned, I look at astrology as a container that offers us opportunities to evolve energetically and consciously.

Your higher self has provided you with maps for your life’s growth work; your astrological chart is one of those maps.

In the summer of 2022, I was put on a SPIRIT-imposed break. I’ll admit that I was burned out from holding so much and so many together during COVID, but I wasn’t slowing down until Spirit insisted that I do.

I pretty much spent six weeks sitting in my Daily Practice space in the morning, floating in our pool during the day, and staring at the sky at night.

Eventually, new information started to come in, and one of the most exciting pieces was around our Soul Memory and our soul evolution.

We have to have a way of remembering what we came here to learn, to heal, and the growth we desired.

It is our Soul Memory that holds that information and carries it from one lifetime to the next.

It is the Soul Memory that, when we are unconscious, uses past experiences to try and keep us from making similar mistakes, getting off track, and missing the opportunities for learning and growth that are presented to us.

So each lifetime, we have an Astrological chart that maps out what we came here to work on.

Each sign has unevolved and evolved aspects, oftentimes referred to as negative and positive traits.

These aspects hold the key to our deeper healing and evolution.

In a moment, I’m going to share with you a quick overview of the areas where your greatest growth potential exists.

Please remember that knowing the information doesn’t mean you’ve done the work. That’s why I created the Soul Evolution™ program, to support you in doing this deeper healing and growth work.

Ok…so here you go…

If Libra is your primary area of focus right now, your greatest growth exists in doing the healing and growth work around:

Evolved Aspects: Diplomatic, charming, romantic, cooperative, artistic.

With evolved aspects, you may be working to embody these dynamics in your life.

Unevolved Aspects: Indecisive, superficial, manipulative, lazy, indecisive.

With unevolved aspects, you may be working to move beyond these dynamics in your life.

Here are a few more examples:

Decision-making: Libras can sometimes struggle with making decisions, as they tend to weigh all sides of an issue and consider multiple perspectives before taking action. To work on this area of personal growth, Libras may benefit from practicing making decisions more quickly and confidently without getting bogged down by overthinking.

Assertiveness: Libras can be conflict-averse and may avoid speaking up for themselves or asserting their needs in relationships or at work. Learning to be more assertive and setting clear boundaries can help Libras feel more empowered and confident.

Self-care: Libras may have a tendency to put others' needs before their own, which can lead to burnout and neglecting their own self-care. Practicing self-compassion, setting aside time for hobbies and relaxation, and prioritizing their own physical and emotional well-being can help Libras feel more balanced and fulfilled.

Authenticity: Libras can be skilled at adapting to social situations and pleasing others but may struggle to express their true selves and desires. Working on being authentic and true to themselves, even if it means going against the norm, can help Libras feel more fulfilled and aligned with their values.

Independence: Libras value relationships and connections with others but may struggle with being alone or making decisions independently. Learning to be more self-sufficient and confident in their own abilities can help Libras feel more independent and empowered.

In Soul Evolution™, we take the primary areas of Libra, both unevolved and evolved, and apply my Intrinsic Energy Work® process to do the work that will create actual change.

So, for example, if you deal with a struggle to express or live as your true self, you can’t just ‘try’ to be authentic. That’s not what your soul is trying to teach you or show you.

To live authentically requires that you clear out everything that is in the way of authenticity - the fear, the persecution energy, being diminished when you show up as yourself, and your ability to own your truth and validate yourself. There is so much here.

What stops you is made up of pictures, programming, and wounding that can be worked energetically.

What we do in Soul Evolution™ is look at what is underneath and then work to heal those areas.

That’s how you step into living as your true, authentic self.

That’s just one example.

If you step into Soul Evolution™, you will absolutely not be the same person you are today as we will work through the unevolved and evolved aspects of not just Libra but all of the Zodiac signs.

I hope you will join me in Soul Evolution™.

It’s going to be life-changing (even lifetimes-changing ;-) )

If you’d like to read the reports for each Zodiac, you can do that here.

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Christine Agro

Hi there!

I'm Christine Agro and for close to 25 years now I have been channeling information from the Collective Consciousness about who we are, what we are working on, and most importantly, how we can learn, heal, and grow and how our individual growth supports the evolution of our Collective experience. 

I am a recognized Metaphysical Expert, Clairvoyant, and Master Energy Worker, as well as a Best-Selling and Award-Winning author.

My 2018 book, Awaken & Grow: A Practical Guide for Your Spiritual Journey, at the time, was the sum total of everything I've channeled as well as gleaned from working with thousands of clients and students from across the globe. 

If you are looking for insight into your journey, why and how life works and unfolds, and more importantly, what to do with all of this information, Awaken & Grow is a great place to start. It's an easy read but packed with information.

If you are interested in working with me, a good place to start is with a one-on-one session. It will give you insight into your journey, what you are working on, how you are working on it, and where your deepest healing and growth live, as well as provide you with an empowered healing experience.

I love community, so please consider joining All About The Vibes, my on-line community.

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