This is an important key for manifestation.
I was walking Maggie this morning, and I thought, 'I haven't seen the hawk since early fall.' And then I wondered if they migrated and made a mental note to Google when I got inside.
No sooner did I have those fleeting thoughts did the hawk swoop past me with a 'good morning' call and soared to the top of our neighbors tallest tree.
I've been noticing this - I have a thought or a need, and the answers appear almost instantly.
This is one of the things that we are doing
our deeper healing and conscious growth work for, that Divine connection where your questions and needs are answered without effort and in the flow of time and space.
The lesson is to not question it...if you question what manifests for you (how, why, did I do that?) you aren't ready yet.
It is cool, it is awe-inspiring, and it is your Divine right.
The next time something manifests, see if you can simply have it.
Celebrate it, tap into the magic, but don't question it.
Say, I did that! And own it.
The more you can do this, the more magical moments you will have.
Share your manifestation moments in the comments.