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Giving & Receiving: Healing & Growth Focus for December 2021

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Giving & Receiving: Intrinsic Energy Work™ for December 2021

December our focus is on Giving & Receiving.

In addition to Giving & Receiving, in December, we also have Universal 8 energy to explore which center around the power to get things done and the gifts that come from sharing the wealth, the Intrinsic Energies™ of Sagittarius, and an opportunity to see what the Intrinsic Energies™ of the Goddess Diana can offer us. And of course, our Moon Work plus the 12:12 portal opens. 12 is the completion of a cycle and opens the path to your next cycle, plus it’s a time to amplify your desires and wishes. Also, we have the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2021.

In my Intrinsic Energy Work™, we use the energies of the moment to accelerate our growth, deepen our healing, and step into the full expression of who we are. It is this deeper learning and healing that facilitates our conscious and Spiritual growth.

Diving into the energies of the moment isn’t necessary to do your work, but they help you focus your efforts, and when you tap into what is present, it makes your work easier and more consistent.

So not necessary, but deeper.

December’s Intrinsic Energies™

This month we will be focusing on these Intrinsic Energies™ associate with September

  • Monthly Theme: Giving & Receiving

  • Universal 8

  • Sagittarius Intrinsic Energy™

  • This month’s Moon Work

  • Goddess Diana

  • 12:12 Portal

  • Winter Solstice


Knowledge is Power. Action is Empowerment

I always say ‘Knowledge is power. Action is empowerment.’ and here’s what I mean by that.

If you read your horoscope, it gives you information but it doesn’t help you with your learning, healing, and growing. It gives you insight. It *may* give you direction, but that’s about where that knowledge takes you.

Intrinsic Energy Work™ gives you tools that help you take that knowledge and use it to further your healing which in turn helps you deepen your growth.


How to Use the Intrinsic Energies™ of December 2021

Let’s see how you can use the Intrinsic Energies™ of December to accelerate your growth & deepen your healing!

Giving & Receive

This month explore the Intrinsic Energies™ of Giving & Receive!

Giving and Receiving happen both from the hand and from the heart. Often we give and or receive from one or the other. This month focuses on the ways in which you give and the ways in which you receive. Is your heart closed or open and your hands? Open or closed? In what situations? What can you learn from this and how can you use this information to support your deeper healing and growth.

Conscious Play Space – Keep a journal on this:

  • Be conscious of giving & receiving this month.

  • Do you give & receive freely or do you do so with expectation?

  • Tap into where you are giving and receiving from (Heart? Hand? Both? )

  • Can you give or does it cause worry? Stress? Fear? – clear out anything you don’t like or want.

  • Can you receive or do you block it, refuse it, dismiss it?


Universal 8

December = 12 + 2021 = 12 + 2+2+1 =12+2+2+1 = 17 = 8

Universal 8 brings an energy of ‘get it done.’ This month is the time to put the time and energy in. What you focus on and create and or complete will benefit you in the months to come. Any effort you expend, done with conscious intent and clear purpose will be rewarded. This is also a month to be grateful for what you have created and to share it.

Instrinsic Energy Work™ & Conscious Play Space

  • Start the month by sitting in your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space, ground, align and clear out the clutter, overwhelm, and any spirally energy. (you aren’t alone if you are feeling this.)

  • Once you have a clear (or somewhat clear) space (you are still in your IEW space) place your focus on what you want to work on, create, or complete this month.

  • Sit grounded and aligned and let this project anchor in.

  • Release any tension in your body, release any resistance. Release anywhere you are holding this project at bay.

  • When you are ready create a manifestation map which the project in the middle of the circle and draw lines off of the circle. On each line right down the things that come to mind that you need to do, or you need to have, or experience, or create that pertain to this project.

  • Next, make a list of the things you need to do or get done.

  • Then go through the list and number them in order of importance.

  • Now – go get that thing done!!!


Growing Through the Intrinsic Energies of Sagittarius

Each sign offers you energies that can help you grow and that can help you heal.

Tap into and grow with Sagittarius’ Intrinsic Energies™:


Intrinsic Energy Work™

  • Sit in your Intrinsic Energy™ reflection space

  • Bring yourself into energetic alignment using that core beam of light (if you are sitting in your IE space you should already be here.)

  • Let’s look for the IE that makes up Generosity. (It could be gratitude or love, or personal or appreciation for example.) Each moment of Generosity can have different underlying IE as well.

  • Once you identify them, tap into each energy and let yourself become those energies.

  • Notice what you feel like with each energy. How do they create different aspects of Generosity?

  • Now open your hands palm up and let those energies you identified flow in and flow out of your palms.

  • Open your eyes and stretch.


Intrinsic Energy Work™

  • Sit in your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space.

  • Think of something that brings (or brought) you hope.

  • What is that moment of hope made up of? What Intrinsic Energies does that hope carry?

  • Let yourself feel, have each of those energies. Let them fill you.

  • Let that hope expand into Optimism.

  • Let yourself be Optimism. It doesn’t have to be for or about anything in particular. Simply feel the Intrinsic Energies™ that make up Optimism and let them ripple through you.

Healing Through The Intrinsic Energy™ of Sagittarius

Each sign has an evolved and an unevolved aspect. It is in the unevolved aspects that we can focus our own healing and growth, and use the Intrinsic Energies™ to deepen our process.


Impatience is made up of a collection of energies and to move beyond impatience requires understanding what sits underneath.

Intrinsic Energy Work™

  • Sit in your Intrinsic Energy™ reflection space.

  • Reflect on when and how you have felt impatient. Maybe with a specific person or situation?

  • Call up that situation and I want you to pick apart what that moment of impatience is made up of. Is it frustration? Annoyance? Lack (no time, no energy, no means?) Or is it a lack of support?

  • In order to move beyond what challenges us, we need to understand what it is made up of and what rests underneath that fuels it.

  • Once you have identified what is underneath, clear out all that you can.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.

  • Open your eyes and stretch.


This can be a big one to explore and also a good one as we head into a New Year with new goals and desires to improve health, wellness, visibility, whatever it may be.

Try this:

Intrinsic Energy Work™

  • Sit in your Intrinsic Energy™ space.

  • Call up a moment or something that you are inconsistent with.

  • Pick it apart (like a cotton ball) and see what that inconsistency is made up.

  • Like everything in this work, each moment of inconsistency is going to be made up of something unique – fear, lack, limit, other people’s ideas, opinions, their lack & limit, responsibility energy, etc.

  • Once you identify what it is made up of, move out as much as you can using an energetic magnet.

  • Set the intention that moving forward when you feel yourself stepping into inconsistency you will have the Conscious awareness to look at it and clear what can be cleared.

  • You don’t have to step into it. When you are conscious to it and you have a sense of what’s underneath you can begin to change your pattern.

  • Open your eyes and stretch.


Intrinsic Energies™ of the Goddess Diana

Goddess of Wisdom & Regeneration and protector of liminal zones (think boundaries, thresholds, the veil.)

I choose Diana for us to work with this month because we are heading into Winter and the Winter Solstice. For me, Winter is a time of reflection. The snowy ground and long shadows create a time and space for us to look at what we have been working on and in what way. Everything that covered it is gone in the starkness of Winter. The lines between who we are and who we desire to be can be seen.

Diana can help you see those lines. We can also tap into her power of regeneration to help facilitate your growth and receive her insight in Wisdom in what direction we are headed and what we need to know.

Work with Diana

  • Sit in your Intrinsic Energy WorkSpace

  • Envision the Goddess Diana in front of you. Whether you see her, feel her, or have a sense of her, they each are valid.

  • Get a sense of her energy.

    • What does it feel like?

    • What do you feel like in her presence?

Ask Diana to:

  • Help you see the line between who you are and who you desire to be – what do you see, what information can you gather, what do the two look like? What emotions do they invoke in you?

  • to share her power of regeneration in whatever way you need it or desire it right now.

  • to share a piece of Wisdom with you that will support your deeper healing and growth.


Moon Work

Dark Moon Phase 1 Scorpio

Dec 2, 2021

Reflect & Review

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space.

Reflect on where you have been:

  • Jealous

  • Untrusting

  • Manipulative

Clear out anything you want to release.

  • Use your Intrinsic Energy Work™ Tools – either the magnet or the energetic vacuum

  • Clear out any awareness, pictures, energy that came up.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.

Celebrate where you have

  • Intuitive

  • Loyal

  • Brave

Review your New Moon Manifestation list.

  • Review your list

  • Celebrate what came in!

  • Cross off what you don’t want or need anymore

Dark Moon Phase 2 Sagittarius

Dec 3, 2021

Clean up both energetic & actual debts as well as patterns.


  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space.

Reflect on the question and how you may carry this as a debt to others or to yourself – then release the energy around it using your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum)


Where have you been tactless

Where have you been impatient

  • Release any debt Intrinsic Energy™ and awarenesses that rose to the surface.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.

Also, clean up actual debts – return things borrowed, pay back what is owed, apologize if need be.


The second Dark Moon phase is the perfect time to step out of the Intrinsic Energy™ patterns that keep you locked in old behaviors.

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space.

Reflect on the question and how or where they are patterns in your life– then while in your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space, see yourself step out of each pattern and release the awarenesses that came up using your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum)

Where or how can you step into a pattern of impatience?

Where or how can you step into a pattern of inconsistency?

Clean Up

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Put a picture of you (amorphic shape will do) standing in the energetic pattern or imagine it.

  • See or intend that you step out of the energetic pattern.

  • Reset your space with what you want in place of the pattern.

  • Release the Intrinsic Energies™ and awarenesses that rose to the surface.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.

Dark Moon Phase 3 Sagittarius

Dec 4, 2021


The third phase of the Dark Moon offers a space to cultivate and prepare for planting your intentions during the New Moon.

In manifestation work, we use a piece of rich soil to plant the seeds of what you want to create.

To cultivate & prepare do this:

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Put your manifestation garden out in front of you.

  • Infuse the soil with generous, righteous, straightforward.

  • Hand it to your Spirit so that you can call it back tomorrow.

Take a moment to cultivate those same Intrinsic Energies™ within yourself generosity, righteousness, directness.

New Moon Capricorn

Dec 5, 2021

Capricorn brings an Intrinsic Energies™ of discipline, patience, and ambition. As you identify what you want to set out on your manifestation list for this month, be sure to include some/any of the following

  • The discipline to…

  • The patience to…

  • The desire to…

New Moons are for setting out your desires, what you want to create for yourself and in your life. If you didn’t review your list from last month during phase 1 of the Dark Moon, review it now. Cross off anything that you don’t want anymore. Celebrate whatever came in.

Rewrite your list and add those things that align with the Sagittarius New Moon Intrinsic Energies™ (what you identified above.)

After you have written your New Moon manifestation list do this:

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Call back the piece of soil you prepared during yesterday’s Dark Moon phase.

  • See yourself creating, experiencing, having, those things you want to create.

  • Feel what it feels like. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, the relief, the sense of accomplishment, the freedom, etc.

  • Turn everything you want to create into a seed.

  • Plant each seed into the soil, carrying with you the feelings you connected with.

  • Hand it to your Spirit so that you can manifest it.

Full Moon Gemini

December 18, 2021

Reflect, Release & Heal

Reflect on where you have been

  • Scattered

  • Inconsistent

  • Indecisive

Intrinsic Energy Work™

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Use your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum) to clear anything you want to release.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.


In Intrinsic Energy™ Forgiveness work, whether you are trying to forgive someone else or yourself, the key to forgiveness rests in healing the Intrinsic wounds inflicted. Forgiveness has nothing to do with letting someone off the hook. There is no hook. What keeps you engaged is the Intrinsic Wound.

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

Reflect on this:

  • Where or how has someone’s/or your scatteredness caused an intrinsic wound within you?

  • Where or how has someone’s/or your inconsistency caused an intrinsic wound within you?

  • Where or how has someone’s/or your indecisivness caused an intrinsic wound within you?

  • Use your Intrinsic Energy Work™ tools (magnet/vacuum) to clear anything you want to release.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.


  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

Reflect on this:

  • Where or how do you have gratitude for wittiness in your life?

  • Where or how do you have gratitude for flexibility in your life?

  • Where or how do you have gratitude for enthusiasm in your life?

  • Each expression of gratitude feels different.

  • Let yourself feel the gratitude of each and let it radiate through your being.

Dark Moon Phase 1 Sagittarius

December 31. 2021

Reflect & Review

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space.

Reflect on where you have been:

  • Tactless?

  • Impatient?

  • Inconsistent?

Clear out anything you want to release.

  • Use your Intrinsic Energy Work™ Tools – either the magnet or the energetic vacuum

  • Clear out any awareness, pictures, energy that came up.

  • Fill in with an energy of your choice.

Review your New Moon Manifestation list.

  • Review your list

  • Celebrate what came in!

  • Cross off what you don’t want or need anymore


12:12 Portal

12:12 Portal is a gateway to renewal, to purification, and to saying ‘yes’ to your next step in your empowered growth and awakening.

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Ground, align, and see the 12:12 portal.

  • Let the energy of it purify your being – every aspect of you.

  • Let the energy of the portal renew your being at the deepest levels and layers.

  • If you are ready, say ‘yes’ to your next steps in your empowered growth and awakening and walk through the 12:12 gateway into your next and higher level of being.

  • Let that work assimilate into your physical being by sitting for a few minutes as energy, information, and activation make their way into your body.

  • When you are finished, fill in with an energy of your choice and then

  • Open your eyes and stretch.


Winter Solstice 12/21

The Winter Solstice marks the death and rebirth of the Sun.

It is the return to light as we move from the darkest day and now the light grows.

  • Step into your Intrinsic Energy Work™ space

  • Ground, align,

  • See a light behind your heart, in the seat of your soul.

  • Let it begin to grow, let the light of your soul be rebirthed.

  • As this light grows, let it radiate out through you.

  • Sit for a bit in this vibration and see what information and insight may come.

  • Use your energy tools (magnet/vacuum) to clear out anything that doesn’t serve you.

  • Consciously commit to your new growth.

  • Plant the seeds of those things you want to nourish and nurture through the winter and prepare for growth during the Spring Equinox.

  • When you are finished, fill in with an energy of your choice and then

  • Open your eyes and stretch.


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Christine Agro

Hi there!

I'm Christine Agro and for close to 25 years now I have been channeling information from the Collective Consciousness about who we are, what we are working on, and most importantly, how we can learn, heal, and grow and how our individual growth supports the evolution of our Collective experience. 

I am a recognized Metaphysical Expert, Clairvoyant, and Master Energy Worker, as well as a Best-Selling and Award-Winning author.

My 2018 book, Awaken & Grow: A Practical Guide for Your Spiritual Journey, at the time, was the sum total of everything I've channeled as well as gleaned from working with thousands of clients and students from across the globe. 

If you are looking for insight into your journey, why and how life works and unfolds, and more importantly, what to do with all of this information, Awaken & Grow is a great place to start. It's an easy read but packed with information.

If you are interested in working with me, a good place to start is with a one-on-one session. It will give you insight into your journey, what you are working on, how you are working on it, and where your deepest healing and growth live, as well as provide you with an empowered healing experience.

I love community, so please consider joining All About The Vibes, my on-line community.

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